49 West 45th Street, Suite 900. NY NY 10036 I Phone (212) 575-0950 Fax (212) 575-4844
www.thecemendeague.com email: thecemendeague@verizon.net
Re: IUOE 14 June 30, 2014
Re: Cement League CBA with Int’I Union of Operating Engineers Local 14.
Memorandum of Understanding
Operating Engineers Local 14-14b
The Cement League
All provisions of the Labor Agreement currently in effect shall remain in full force and effect
through and including June 30, 2017, except as expressly modified in the language in this
Wages: 3 year agreement
The employer shall increase wages and benefits (non compounded) by 3% on July 1, 2014, 3% on
July 1, 2015 and 3% July 1, 2016.
The Unions expressly waive any right to paid sick leave for the employees covered by this
agreement as set forth in any legislation enacted by the City of New York.
Where an Engineer works with mechanics of a trade who are on eight (8) hour day basis, the
Engineer will work the additional hour at straight time. If the Engineer is hoisting for a trade
receiving overtime for that eight hour, he shall receive the eighth hour at overtime rate.
Pending Ratification
Cement League Operating Engineers
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