Loca1 46 metallic lathers union and rehlforelng lronworkers – andthe building contractors association of new york, inc. Memorandum of agreement june 30, 2020 1. This four(4) year collecttve bargaining agreement shall be effective july 1, 2020 and shall ex: pire june 30, 2024. 2. This contraot shall he binding to all bca contractors who authorize the bca to negotiate for them with the metallic lathers and reinforcing ironworkers local 46. 3. The monet: a. Ry total wage and benefit package increase shall be $1.50 per hour effective july lat of each year. The homly wage and benefit rate for all new incoming local 46 apprentices shall be: a. First year apprentice- $40. 95 per hr. Sta. Rting july l, 2020 b. Second. Year apprentice: $41.00 per hr. Starting july l, 2021 c. Thfrd year app-rentice: $41. 05 per hr. Starting july 1, 2022 d. Fourth year apprentice $41.10 per hr. Starting july 1~2023 all 2nd , 3rd , and 4th yea1 apprentices are grandfathered in at the old apprentic~ rates. An. Y t st year apprentice s that came in before january of 2020 will be grandfath. Ered in at th. E old a1>prentice rates. 4. Local 46 retains jurisdiction of all cutting and bending of rebar on tne project any cutting or bending done outside of a . Five (5) mile radius of the project will not be the subject to local 46 jurisdiction, 5. Drug testing: 6. ~067448.1 a. Tl1. E union and the association agree to follow the imp act program for drug and alcohol testing, b. The consumption of intoxicating beverages or use of drugs during the workday is prohibited. Violation of this rule is sufficient reason for dismissal. Tb. E employer may start their lathers at either six. (6:00) am, seven. (7:00) am or j__ eight (8:00) am at the straight time rate through january 1, 2021 as a ttial period. The a union and association wilt review this trial period and shall mutually discuss making permanent. 07/01/l020 9: s3 am 7. Fide work-ft is agreed that on tide work, the contractor can start their job according am and 6:30 pm. A lather cannot work to tide schedules providing the eight~hour shift starts and ends between the hours of 5 :00 unless it more than eight (8) hours in a 24-hour period is detenn. Ined to be overtime. 8. The working shop steward is the third person on the jobsite. 9. Cover when necessary, the working shop steward will be present for all concrete pours, which. On the job reinforcing while steel or any other material as described in article ill of this agreement the concrete is being poured. 10. Safety trairung: update safety training to comply with all federal,. State, local or regulatory requirements for all employees. L t. The union continues to waive any paid family leave> sick leave or vacation leave requireme~ts by a federal, state. City or governmental agency. 12. Pcec: : erung ff the fourth friday of july (independence day) falls on a. Saturday, it will be observed the (july 3m). 13. Update off-shift project. The wage language: an off-shift is defined as any non-standard single shift straight rate for the first seven (7) or eight (8) hours of an off-shift shall be the time hourly rate plus twelve dollars ($12.00) per hour. Fringe benefit rate. There will contributions for the first seven (7) or eight (8) hours shall be paid at the straight time be no pyramiding on overtime worked for an off-shift. Agreed to this l day of july. 2020 for and on behalf of the members of the building contractors association of ew york~nc.. – “‘}~_ —– john f ‘t, ii: ! Re managi g director 3061441f i metallic lathers union local 46 ~~~~ administrator, local 46 cj 07ttllnq10 9: s3 am