JIB/L 3 Rates Effective 4-13-2022 to 4-09-2025

HARRY VAN ARSDALE JR. Founder DR. GERALD FINKEL Chairman STEVEN LAZZARO Secretary THOMAS CLEARY Treasurer VITO V. MUNDO Counsel JOHN LIU Public Member Employer Representatives ROBERT AMABILE FRANK ARAGONA BEN D’ALESSANDRO KRISTINE DeNAPOLI STEPHEN GIANOTTI CRAIG GILSTON KEVIN HARRAND CAROL KLEINBERG STEVEN LAZZARO CIRO LUPO ANTHONY MANN JOHN MANNINO SANDRA MILAD-GIBSON HAL SOKOLOFF DAVID WARDELL Employee Representatives BENJAMIN ARANA JAMES BUA THOMAS CAPURSO THOMAS CLEARY CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON JR. ANTHONY FALLEO WILLIAM HOFVING ROBERT OLENICK JOSEPH PROSCIA RICARDO ROLLINS JOSEPH SANTIGATE LANCE VAN ARSDALE 2/22 • JIB • SM JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD OF THE ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY 158-11 HARRY VANARSDALE JR. AVENUE• FLUSHING, N.Y. 11365 TEL: (718) 591-2000 • FAX: (718) 380-7741 • www.jibei.org April 19, 2022 TO: ALL EMPLOYERS OF “A” RATED JOURNEYPERSONS The Negotiating Committee of Local Union No. 3, IBEW and the representatives of employers have mutually agreed that the following schedule shall be in effect as of April 13, 2022, 4:01 P.M. (with all changes taking effect at 4:01 P.M. on the effective date) WAGES: The “A” rated Journeyperson hourly wage, based on a 7-hour day, shall become: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 SUPERVISION RATES: $59.00 $61.00 $62.00 The minimum payments, above the pay of Journeyperson, shall continue at: A-J 2022 Forepersons 3 to s persons Forepersons 6 to 14 persons Sub forepersons General Foreperson: 1 Sub foreperson 2 Sub forepersons 3 Sub forepersons 4 Sub forepersons 5 Sub forepersons $4.00 per hour $4. 75 per hour $4. 75 per hour $5.00 per hour $5.50 per hour $6.00 per hour $6.50 per hour $7 .00 per hour ALL EMPLOYERS OF “A” RATED JOURNEYPERSONS April 19, 2022 JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD: The contribution to the Joint Industry Board be as follows: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 1.85% of the standard gross wages 2.00% of the standard gross wages 2.00% of the standard gross wages The additional .15% is a contribution that will be allocated to the Legal Services Plan. Standard gross wages are the wages calculated at the regular hourly wage, for all hours worked. PENSION, HOSPITAUZATION AND BENEFIT PLAN: The contribution to the Pension, Hospitalization and Benefit Plan be as follows: 04/13/22 39.45% of the st.andard gross wages + $5.25 per hour 04/12/23 39.450/o ofthestandardgrosswages + $6.00 perhour 04/10/24 39.45% of the st.andard gross wages + $6.00 per hour DENTAL FUND: The contribution to the Dental Fund of the Electrical Industry shall continue at 3.14% of the standard gross wages. EDUCATIONAL AND CULTIJRAL TRUST FUND: The contribution to the Educational and Cultural Trust Fund shall continue at 1.67% of the standard gross wages. N.E.B.F.: The contribution to the National Electrical Benefit Fund shall continue at 3.00% of total gross wages. E.E.S.I.S.P.: The contribution to the Electrical Employers Self-Insurance Safety Plan shall continue at 8.61 % of total gross wages. Rate adjustments based on preferred, or surcharge status may be applicable as determined by the E.E.S.I.S.P Trustees. A-J-2022 2 ALL EMPLOYERS OF “A” RATED JOURNEYPERSONS April 19, 2022 ANNUITY FUND: The contribution to the Annuity Fund for Journeypersons on A-rated work shall be as follows: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 $5.50 for all hours worked* $5.50 for all hours worked * . $7.00 for all hours worked* *$2.00 for all hours worked, to be diverted to the Job Target Fund. HEAL TH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT The contribution to the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) shall continue at $6.50 for all hours worked. The HRA contribution shall be reported in the Reid/Column designated Annuity/HRA, together with the per hour Annuity Fund contribution. The Joint Industry Board will allocate the contribution between the Annuity Fund and the HRA. DEFERRED SALARY PLAN: The contribution shall become 16.5% of standard gross wages to the Deferred Salary Plan and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential s an Employer contribution. The contribution of 7 .65% of total gross wages, (FICA Equivalent for all “A” rated Journeypersons), shall continue to be reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential s an Employer contribution. The mandatory 1 % salary deferral shall continue for all “A” rated Journeypersons and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential s an Employee contribution. The 1 % may be increased at the participant’s discretion. TEMPORARY UGHT & POWER: Under the Agreement and Working Rules, employees working on Temporary Light & Power will receive contributions only to the Health Reimbursement Account, Deferred Salary Plan, Annuity Plan, $2.00 to the Job Target Fund*, the National Electrical Benefit Fund and the statutory contribution to E.E.S.I.S.P. This category shall continue to be reported separately under payroll suffix :OC The Agreement and Working Rules has been amended regarding Temporary Light & Power. Please contact Local Union No. 3 for more information. A-J-2022 3 ALL EMPLOYERS OF “A” RATED JOURNEYPERSONS April 19, 2022 WAGE AND BENEFIT FUND: The wage and benefits contribution payable to the Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry shall be as follows: 1. New York Electrical Contractors Association, Inc. Employers shall contribute .00% of the standard gross payroll. 2. Current Independent Employers shall contribute .25% of the standard gross payroll. 3. New Independent Employers for the term of this contract shall contribute .50% of the standard gross payroll. 4. Employers leaving an Association to become Independent shall contribute .75% of the standard gross payroll. *lob Target Fund The contribution to the Job Target Fund shall become $2.00 for all hours worked. The Job Target Fund and the Wage and Benefit Fund will be a combined amount on your invoice. A-l-2022 4 HARRY VAN ARSDALE JR. Founder DR. GERALD FINKEL Chairman STEVEN LAZZARO Secretary THOMAS CLEARY Treasurer VITO V. MUNDO Counsel JOHN LIU Public Member Employer Representatives ROBERT AMABILE FRANK ARAGONA BEN DALESSANDRO KRISTINE DeNAPOLI STEPHEN GIANOTTI CRAIG GILSTON KEVIN HARRAND CAROL KLEINBERG STEVEN LAZZARO CIRO LUPO ANTHONY MANN JOHN MANNINO SANORA MILAO-GIBSON HAL SOKOLOFF DAVID WARDELL EmployN Representatives BENJAMIN ARANA JAMES BUA THOMAS CAPURSO THOMAS CLEARY CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON JR ANTHONY FALLEO WILLIAM HOFVING ROBERT OLENICK JOSEPH PROSCIA RICARDO ROLLINS JOSEPH SANTIGATE LANCE VANARSDALE 2m •JIB· 5M JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD OF THE ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY 158-11 IIARR\ \ .\, \RSDALE .JR. \ E:-. E • FLl,SHING, /Ii.\. 11365 TEL: (718) 591-2000 • F\X: (718) 380-7741 • www.jibei.org April 19, 2022 TO: ALL EMPLOYERS OF “A” APPRENTICES The Negotiating Committee of Local Union No. 3, IBEW and the representatives of employers have mutually agreed that the following schedule shall be in effect as of April 13, 2022, 4:01 P.M. (with all changes taking effect at 4:01 P.M. on the effective date): WAGES: Class “A” Apprentices: The minimum hourly wages, based on a 7-hour day, shall become as follows, pt Year 200 Year 3rd Year 4th Year 04/13/22 1st Level $18.00 $19.50 $21.50 $23.50 2nd Level $18.50 $20.50 $22.50 $25.50 04/12/23 1st Level $18.00 $19.50 $21.50 $23.50 2nd Level $18.50 $20.50 $22.50 $25.50 04/10/24 1st Level $18.00 $19.50 $21.50 $23.50 2nd Level $18.50 $20.50 $22.50 $25.50 Raises and Steps increases – One Half of the amount of all increases shall begin at a time period halfway between the scheduled annual raises provided that the Apprentice has met all of the program requirements. The contractor will be notified of all salary upgrades on an individual basis by the Apprentice Department. The employer shall continue to pay the Apprentice’s FICA for all of the above classes of Apprentices. JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD: The contribution to the Joint Industry Board shall become .15% of the standard gross wages and will be allocated to the Legal Services Plan. Standard gross wages are the wages calculated at the regular hourly wage for all hours worked. APPR-2022 ALL EMPLOYERS OF “A” APPRENTICES April 19, 2022 PENSION. HOSPITAUZATION AND BENEFIT PLAN: DENTAL FUND: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 20.92% of the standard gross wages, plus $1.00 per hour 20.92% of the standard gross wages, plus $1.25 per hour 20.92% of the standard gross wages, plus $1.50 per hour The contribution to the Dental Fund of the Electrical Industry shall continue at 2.04% of the standard gross wages. EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL TRUST FUND: The contribution to the Educational and Cultural Trust Fund shall continue at 0.52% of the standard gross wages. N.E.B.F.: The contribution to the National Electrical Benefit Fund shall continue at 3.00% of total gross wages. E.E.5.1.S.P.: The contribution to the Electrical Employers Self-Insurance Safety Plan shall continue at 8.49% of total gross wages. Rate adjustments based on preferred. or surcharge status may be applicable as determined by the E.E.S.I.S.P Trustees. ANNUITY FUND: The contribution to the Annuity Fund for all Apprentices, for all hours worked, shall be as follows: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 HEAL TH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: $1.00 for all hours worked $1.50 for all hours worked $2.00 for all hours worked The contribution to the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) for all Apprentices, shall continue at $1.75 for all hours worked. The HRA contribution shall be reported in the Field/Column designated Annuity/HRA, together with the Annuity Fund contribution. The Joint Industry Board will allocate the contribution between the Annuity Fund and the HRA. APPR-2022 2 ALL EMPLOYERS OF “A” APPRENTICES April 19, 2022 DEFERRED SALARY PLAN (401k Plan): The contribution to the Deferred Salary Plan shall become 15.5% of standard gross wages plus $2.50 per hour, for all hours worked, for all Apprentices. The above contribution shall be for all hours worked for all Apprentices and contributed as an Employer contribution to the participant’s individual account and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential. The mandatory 1 % salary deferral for 3rd year and 4th year Apprentices shall continue and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential as an Employee contribution. The 1 % may be increased at the participant’s discretion. Under the Agreement and Working Rules, Employers are required to pay the First Year Apprentices and Helpers holiday pay in their weekly pay check. WAGE AND BENEFIT FUND: The wage and benefits contribution payable to the Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry shall continue as follows: 1. New York Electrical Contractors Association, Inc. Employers shall contribute .00% of the standard gross payroll. 2. Current Independent Employers shall contribute .25% of the standard gross payroll. 3. New Independent Employers for the term of this contract shall contribute .50% of the standard gross payroll. 4. Employers leaving an Association to become Independent shall contribute .75% of the standard gross payroll. APPR-2022 3 HARRY VAN ARSDALE JR. Founder DR. GERALD FINKEL Chairman STEVEN LAZZARO Secretary THOMAS CLEARY Treasurer VITO V. MUNDO Counsel JOHN LIU Public Member Employer Representatives ROBERT AMABILE FRANK ARAGONA BEN D’ALESSANDRO KRISTINE DeNAPOLI STEPHEN GIANOTTI CRAIG GILSTON KEVIN HARRAND CAROL KLEINBERG STEVEN LAZZARO CIRO LUPO ANTHONY MANN JOHN MANNINO SANDRA MILAD-GIBSON HAL SOKOLOFF DAVID WARDELL Employee Representatives BENJAMIN ARANA JAMES BUA THOMAS CAPURSO THOMAS CLEARY CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON JR. ANTHONY FALLEO WlLLIAM HOFVING ROBERT OLENICK JOSEPH PROSCIA RICARDO ROLLINS JOSEPH SANTIGATE LANCE VANARSDALE 2/22 • JIB • SM JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD OF THE ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY 158-11 HARRY VANARSDALE JR. AVENUE• FLUSHING, N.Y. 11365 TEL: (718) 591-2000 • FAX: (718) 380-7741 • www.jibei.org April 19, 2022 TO: ALL EMPLOYERS OF “M” JOURNEYPERSONS AND “Mil” JOURNEYPERSONS The Negotiating Committee of Local Union No. 3, IBEW and the representatives of employers have mutually agreed that the following schedule shall be in effect as of April 13, 2022, 4:01 P.M. {with all changes taking effect at 4:01 P.M. on the effective date) WAGES: Class “MU” Journeypersons: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 Class “M” Journeypersons: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 Shall continue at 1-18 months $26.75 $26.75 $27.50 Shall continue at 1-24 months $26.75 $26.75 $27.50 Shall continue at 13-24 months $31.25 $31.25 $32.00 Shall continue at 25-48 months $31.25 $31.25 $32.00 The above minimum hourly wages are based on a 7-hour day with the eighth hour worked at the straight-time rate. SUPERVISION RATES: The minimum payments, above the pay of Journeyperson, shall continue at: M-MU-2022 Supervisors – 1-5-persons Supervisors – 6-10 persons Supervisors – above 10 persons $1.00 per hour $2.00 per hour $3. 00 per hour ALL EMPLOYERS OF “M” JOURNEYPERSONS AND “MIJ” JOURNEYPERSONS April 19, 2022 JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD: The contribution to the Joint Industry Board shall become .150/o of the standard gross wages and will be allocated to the Legal Services Plan. Standard gross wages are the wages calculated at the regular hourly wage for all hours worked. PENSION, HOSPITALIZATION AND BENEFIT PLAN: The contribution to the Pension, Hospitalization and Benefit Plan shall be as follows: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 DENTAL BENEFIT FUND: 22.92% of the standard gross wages,+ $1.00 per hour 22. 92% of the standard gross wages, + $1.25 per hour 22.92% of the standard gross wages, + $1.50 per hour The contribution to the Dental Fund of the Electrical Industry shall continue at 2.04% of the standard gross wages. EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL TRUST FUND: The contribution to the Educational and Cultural Trust Fund shall continue at .52% of the standard gross wages. N.E.B.F.: The contribution to the National Electrical Benefit Fund shall continue at 3.00% of total gross wages. E.E.S.I.S.P.: The contribution to the Electrical Employers Self-Insurance Safety Plan shall continue at 8.49% of total gross wages. • Rate adjustments based on preferred, or surcharge status may be agplicable as determined by the E.E.S.I.S.P Trustees .. ANNUITY FUND: The contribution to the Annuity Fund shall be as follows for all hours worked: M-MU-2022 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 $2.00 per hour $3.00 per hour $3.00 per hour 2 ALL EMPLOYERS OF “M11 JOURNEYPERSONS AD “Mil” JOURNEYPERSONS April 19, 2022 HEAL TH RBMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: The contribution to the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) shall continue at $4.00 for all hours worked. • The HRA contribution shall be reported in the Field/Column designated Annuity/HRA, together with the Annuity Fund contribution. The Joint Industry Board will allocate the contribution between the Annuity Fund and the HRA. DEFERRED SALARY PLAN: The contribution to the Deferred Salary plan shall become 15.50/o of standard gross wages, plus $1.50 for all hours worked and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential s an Employer contribution to the Deferred Salary Plan. In addition the conbibution of 7.65% of total gross wages, (FICA Equivalent for all “Mil” and “M” Journeypersons), shall continue and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential s an Employer contribution. The mandatory 1 % salary deferral shall continue for all “MD” and “M”-Journeypersons and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential as an Employee contribution. The 1 % may be increased at the participant’s discretion. WAGE AND BENEFIT FUND: The wage and benefits contribution payable to the Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry shall continue as follows: 1. New York Electrical Contractors Association, Inc. Employers shall contribute .00% of the standard gross payroll. 2. Current Independent Employers shall contribute .25% of the standard gross payroll. 3. New Independent Employers for the term of this contract shall contribute .50% of the standard gross payroll. 4. Employers leaving an Association to become Independent shall contribute .75% of the standard gross payroll. M-MD-2022 3 HARRY VAN ARSDALE JR. Founder OR. GERALD FINKEL Chairman STEVEN LAZZARO Secretary THOMAS CLEARY Treasurer VITO V. MUNDO Counse, JOHN LIU Public Member Employer Representatives ROBERT AMABILE FRANK ARAGONA BEN D’ALESSANDRO KRISTINE DeNAPOLI STEPHEN GIANOTTI CRAIG GILSTON KEVIN HARRAND CAROL KLEINBERG STEVEN LAZZARO CIRO LUPO ANTHONY MANN JOHN MANNINO SANDRA MILAD-GIBSON HAL SOKOLOFF DAVID WARDELL Employee Representatives BENJAMIN ARANA JAMES BUA THOMAS CAPURSO THOMAS CLEARY CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON CHRISTOPHER ERIKSON JR ANTHONY FALLEO WILLIAM HOFVING ROBERT OLENICK JOSEPH PROSCIA RICARDO ROLLINS JOSEPH SANTIGATE LANCE VAN ARSDALE 2122 •JIB· 5M JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD OF THE ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY 158-11 IIARR\ \ \’\ARSDALEJR.A\E”il’E•FLl’SHI ‘G.:-i.\.11365 Tl:.L: (718) 591-2000 • FAX: (718) 380-7741 • www.jibei.org April 19, 2022 TO: ALL EMPLOYERS OF “M” HELPERS The Negotiating Committee of Local Union No. 3, IBEW and the representatives of employers have mutually agreed that the following schedule shall be in effect as of April 13, 2022, 4:01 P.M. (with all changes taking effect at 4:01 P.M. on the effective date): WAGES: Class “M” Helpers: The minimum hourly wages, based on a 7-hour day with the eighth hour worked at the straight-time rate, shall become as follows, For all “M” Helpers: 04l1~l22 Q4l12l2J Q4l10l24 1st Level 2nd Level 1st Level 2nd Level 1st Level 2nd Level pt Year $18.00 $18.50 $18.00 $18.50 $18.00 $18.50 2nd Year $19.50 $20.50 $19.50 $20.50 $19.50 $20.50 3rd Year $21.50 $22.50 $21.50 $22.50 $21.50 $22.50 4th Year $23.50 $25.50 $23.50 $25.50 $23.50 $25.50 Raises and Steps increases – One Half of the amount of all increases shall begin at a time period halfway between the scheduled annual raises provided that the “M” Helpers has met all of the program requirements. The contractor will be notified of all salary upgrades on an individual basis by Local Union No. 3. The employer shall continue to pay the “M” Helper’s FICA for all of the above classes of “M” Helpers. JOINT INDUSTRY BOARD: The contribution to the Joint Industry Board shall become .15% of the standard gross wages and will be allocated to the Legal Services Plan. Standard gross wages are the wages calculated at the regular hourly wage for all hours worked. MHELP-2022 ALL EMPLOYERS OF “M” HELPERS April 19, 2022 PENSION, HOSPITAUZATION AND BENEFIT PLAN: The contribution to the Pension, Hospitalization and Benefit Plan shall become: DENTAL FUND: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 20.92% of the standard gross wages, plus $1.00 per hour 20. g 2% of the standard gross wages, pl US $1. 25 per hour 20.92% of the standard gross wages, plus $1.50 per hour The contribution to the Dental Fund of the Electrical Industry shall continue at 2.04% of the standard gross wages. EDUCATIONAL AND CULTIJRAL TRUST FUND: The contribution to the Educational and Cultural Trust Fund shall continue at 0.52% of the standard gross wages. N.E.B.F.: The contribution to the National Electrical Benefit Fund shall continue at 3.00% of total gross wages. E.E.S.I.S.P.: The contribution to the Electrical Employers Self-Insurance Safety Plan shall continue at 8.49% of total gross wages. Rate adjustments based on preferred, or surcharge status may be applicable as determined by E.E.S.I.S.P Trustees. ANNUITY FUND The contribution to the Annuity Fund for all “M” Helpers, for all hours worked, shall be as follows: 04/13/22 04/12/23 04/10/24 HEAL TH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT: $1. 00 for all hours worked $1.50 for all hours worked $2.00 for all hours worked The contribution to the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) for all “M” Helpers, shall continue at $1.75 for all hours worked. The HRA contribution shall be for all hours worked and shall be reported in the Field/Column designated Annuity/HRA, together with the Annuity Fund contribution. The Joint Industry Board will allocate the contribution between the Annuity Fund and the HRA. MHELP-2022 2 ALL EMPLOYERS OF “M” HELPERS April 19, 2022 DEFERRED SALARY PLAN (401k Plan}: The contribution to the Deferred Salary Plan shall become 15.50/o of standard gross wages plus $2.50 per hour, for all hours worked, for all “M” Helpers. The above contribution shall be for all hours worked for all “M” Helpers and contributed as an Employer contribution to the participant’s individual account and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential. The mandatory 1 % salary deferral for 3rd year and 4th year “M” Helpers shall continue and is reported and paid directly to Empower/Prudential as an Employee contribution. The 1 % may be increased at the participant’s discretion. Under the Agreement and Working Rules, Employers are required to pay the First Year Apprentices and Helpers holiday pay in their weekly pay check. WAGE AND BENEFIT FUND: The delinquency contribution payable to the Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry shall continue as follows: 1. New York Electrical Contractors Association, Inc. Employers shall contribute .00% of the standard gross payroll. 2. Current Independent Employers shall contribute .25% of the standard gross payroll. 3. New Independent Employers for the term of this contract shall contribute .50% of the standard gross payroll. 4. Employers leaving an Association to become Independent shall contribute .75% of the standard gross payroll. MHELP-2022 3
