Allied/L 40 361 CBA 7.1.2020-6.30.2026

LOCAL UNION NOS. 40 and 361
of the
July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2026

Preamble ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Craft Jurisdiction …………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Territory …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Bargaining Agent ………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Union Security ……………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Job Notification …………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Work Hours Per Day ……………………………………………………………………………. 6
Shift Work ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Overtime and Holidays ………………………………………………………………………… 8
Economic Package and Wage Rates ………………………………………………………. 10
Apprentices ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Travel Expense or Subsistence ……………………………………………………………… 13
Piecework …………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Work Limitation ………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Payment of Wages ……………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Health Plan …………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Pension Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Vacation Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Apprenticeship and Training Fund ………………………………………………………… 17
Annuity Fund ……………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Topping Out Fund ……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Industry Promotion Fund ……………………………………………………………………… 19
IMPACT ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Trust Funds Protection …………………………………………………………………………. 21
Foreman …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Iron Workers Required on Guy
& Stiff Leg Derricks …………………………………………………………………………. 24
Vault Work …………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Riveting Gangs ……………………………………………………………………………………. 26
Safety Provisions ………………………………………………………………………………… 26
Employment Outside of Jurisdiction ……………………………………………………… 27
Drinking Water – Clothes Room ……………………………………………………………. 28
Compensation Insurance ………………………………………………………………………. 28
Business Representative ……………………………………………………………………….. 28
Job Steward ………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
Protection of Union Principles ………………………………………………………………. 29
Non-Discrimination …………………………………………………………………………….. 29

Standards of Apprenticeship …………………………………………………………………. 30
Subcontractors …………………………………………………………………………………….. 30
Settlement of Disputes …………………………………………………………………………. 30
Coffee Break ………………………………………………………………………………………. 31
Union Members as Contractors …………………………………………………………….. 31
Labor Management Committee …………………………………………………………….. 32
Union Agreements ………………………………………………………………………………. 33
Record Keeping ………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Scope of Agreement …………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Sick Leave Waiver ………………………………………………………………………………. 33
Savings Clause ……………………………………………………………………………………. 34
Duration and Termination …………………………………………………………………….. 34
Schedule “A”
Members of the Association …………………………………………………………………. i

Annuity Fund ……………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Apprentices ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Apprenticeship and Training Fund ………………………………………………………… 17
Bargaining Agent ………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Business Representative ……………………………………………………………………….. 28
Coffee Break ………………………………………………………………………………………. 31
Compensation Insurance ………………………………………………………………………. 28
Craft Jurisdiction …………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Drinking Water – Clothes Room ……………………………………………………………. 28
Duration and Termination …………………………………………………………………….. 34
Economic Package and Wage Rates ………………………………………………………. 10
Employment Outside of Jurisdiction ……………………………………………………… 27
Foreman …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Health Plan …………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
IMPACT ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Industry Promotion Fund ……………………………………………………………………… 19
Iron Workers Required on Guy
& Shift Leg Derricks …………………………………………………………………………. 24
Job Notification …………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Job Steward ………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
Labor Management Committee …………………………………………………………….. 32
Non-Discrimination …………………………………………………………………………….. 29
Overtime and Holidays ………………………………………………………………………… 8
Payment of Wages ………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Pension Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Piecework …………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Preamble ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Protection of Union Principles ………………………………………………………………. 29
Record Keeping ………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Riveting Gangs ……………………………………………………………………………………. 26
Safety Provisions ………………………………………………………………………………… 26
Savings Clause ……………………………………………………………………………………. 34
Schedule “A”
Members of the Association ………………………………………………………………. i
Scope of Agreement …………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Settlement of Disputes …………………………………………………………………………. 30
Shift Work ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Sick Leave Waiver……………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Standards of Apprenticeship …………………………………………………………………. 30
Subcontractors …………………………………………………………………………………….. 30

Territory …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Topping Out Fund ……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Travel Expense or Subsistence ……………………………………………………………… 13
Trust Funds Protection …………………………………………………………………………. 21
Union Agreements ………………………………………………………………………………. 33
Union Members as Contractors …………………………………………………………….. 31
Union Security ……………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Vacation Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Vault Work …………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Work Hours Per Day ……………………………………………………………………………. 6
Work Limitation ………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

AGREEMENT JULY 1, 2020 – JUNE 30, 2026
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into effective as of the 1
st day of July,
2020 by and between ALLIED BUILDING METAL INDUSTRIES, INC., (hereinafter
referred to as the “Association”), including its successors or assigns, for and on behalf of
its members whose names appear on Schedule “A” (hereinafter referred to jointly and
individually as the “Employer”), including their successors or assigns and including in such
term any companies that may hereafter become members of the Association, and LOCAL
with the AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as “the Union” or “the Unions”).
Section 1. PREAMBLE
This Agreement is entered into by collective bargaining to prevent strikes and
lockouts and to facilitate peaceful adjustment of grievances and disputes between the
Employer and the Union in this trade and to prevent waste, unnecessary and avoidable
delays and expenses and, so far as possible, to provide for labor’s continuous employment,
such employment to be in accordance with conditions herein set forth and at wages herein
agreed upon; also, in that stable conditions may prevail in the building industry and
building costs may be as low as possible, consistent with fair wages and conditions and,
further, the establishment of the necessary procedures by which these ends may be
It is agreed that the jurisdiction of work covered by this Agreement is that provided
for in the charter grant issued by the American Federation of Labor to the
AND REINFORCING IRON WORKERS, it being understood that the claims are subject
to trade agreements to which the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRIDGE,
is a party, as well as the decisions rendered by the New York Plan for Settlement of
Jurisdictional Disputes, and the National Joint Board for the Settlement of Jurisdictional
The parties to this Agreement are subject to and agree to be bound by all decisions
and awards made by the New York Plan for Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes with
respect to all jurisdictional disputes which may arise under this Agreement.
The classification of work covered by this Agreement shall include but not be
limited to:

1. All work pertaining to the erection, alteration and demolition of structural
steel, structural metals, precast, prestressed and poststressed concrete structures and units,
including decking
, as well as plastic, fiberglass and/or reinforced polymer or other
composites that replace these structural materials and members.
2. All work pertaining to the assembly, installation, maintenance and repair of
Wind Mills, Wind Walls, and Wind Turbines within the geographical jurisdiction of the
3. All work on buildings, bridges, including temporary bridges, and all other
structures, whether elevated or not, where structural steel is being demolished, repaired,
altered, replaced or removed, along with other materials, and any falsework pertaining to
such work and power equipment, including but not limited to any cranes, lifts, backhoes,
shears and or grapplers
, is or is not being used in connection with the demolition, repair,
alteration, replacement or removal, the slinging of and the hooking on of drafts of materials,
or other heavy lifts, other than steel, which may have been prepared by house wreckers,
together with all hoisting and lowering and the loading into trucks. However, on buildings
where there is no structural steel to be demolished, and power cranes are being used in
connection with the demolition, the work in question may be performed by either Iron
Workers or house wreckers, as the contractor for the work may elect.
4. Handling from delivery at the site of the job and in erection of all structural
steel, structural units as described in paragraph 1 above, and miscellaneous iron work
coming under the jurisdiction of the structural iron worker.
5. All work involved in the installation and dismantling of all vault work
performed outside the factory of the manufacturer of the vault, including but not limited to
the following:
a. Handling from delivery at the job site of vault doors, day-gates, foot bridges,
lowering platforms, glass doors, door stops, lining plates, partition plates,
grills, inside and outside of vaults, architrave, claddings, night depositories,
drive-in windows, walk-up windows, record containers, ledger desks,
fireproof doors, safe deposit boxes, portavaults, automatic tellers, module
bank buildings, power files, fire doors, lockers, chests, filler plates and
finish plates and all work pertaining to the vault with the exception of
painting, electrical and tile covering; and
b. Handling and shoring and rigging of all other materials or equipment used
in the construction or dismantling of the vault from the time it reaches the
job site on trucks, including the removal of said material and equipment
from said trucks; upon completion of all vault work on any job all such
material and equipment shall be removed from said job and placed on trucks
by employees in the jurisdiction of the Union.
6. In all cases where cranes, derricks or any other hoisting equipment is
assembled by iron workers, all rigging, hoisting and lowering of any material or

equipment shall be performed by Iron Workers, and all such cranes, derricks, or any other
hoisting equipment shall be dismantled by Iron Workers when the equipment is to be
removed from the job; provided, however, that nothing herein shall preclude the existing
practice of the intermediate use of derricks and similar equipment where the rigging,
hoisting and lowering of any material is performed solely by members of other locals of
the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron
Workers, AFL-CIO.
7. The operation of scissor lifts, electric impact tools, slewing platforms on a
derrick and electric tools, etc., are tools of the trade, as are the use, operation and
maintenance of welding machines.
8. RIGGING: Lowering and hoisting of all building material and equipment
by hand or motive power, handling, placing and setting on foundations and erecting and
dismantling all machinery, all tanks, driers, boilers, sectional water tube and tubular boilers
and parts of framework belonging to same. Handling and erection of all stokers,
pulverizers, cinder catchers, ash gates and furnace bottoms. Handling and placing on
foundations all pumps, motors, blowers, compressors, mixers, crushers and agitators,
handling of all heavy castings and all other material requiring rigging. Erection of all
smoke stacks, handling of all safes, accumulators, engines, tunnel screens, transformers,
reactance coils and all electric machinery. Erection, dismantling and operation of derricks,
cranes and cableways not pertaining to the erection of steel structure. Setting all filters,
screens, suctions, sluiceways and gates. Handling of conveyors. Erection of all organs,
bells, chimes, flagpoles and statues. Handling and erecting of printing press machinery
into its approximate position.
all machinery, vis: compressors, motors, pumps, engines, hammers, concrete mixers,
coolers, receivers, heaters, tanks, boilers, caissons and ballast, steel sheeting, concrete
towers and chutes. Erecting, dismantling and moving all derricks, travelers, cranes,
cableways, shovels, drags and shafts.
10. On all bridges, including but not limited to overpasses and approaches
thereto, the replacement and repair of all bearing plates, rockers, machinery and the
installation and removal of all falsework pertaining to such work including, but not limited
to jacking, as well as the installation, replacement, repair, and/or removal of scuppers,
troughs and hoppers.
11. In all cases where fire watch is required to cover the work of the Structural
Iron Worker at the location where the work is being done and while work is being done,
fire watch shall be performed by Structural Iron Workers. The Unions shall use their best
efforts to refer and recruit apprentice and probationary Structural Iron Workers, pursuant
to the probationary member program established by the International Association of
Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, AFL-CIO (the
“International”), in sufficient numbers to perform fire watch. With regard to public works

projects, where registered apprentices are required, the Unions shall use their best efforts
to refer and recruit such apprentice Structural Iron Workers in sufficient numbers to
perform fire watch.
12. All flagging for the positioning of cranes and equipment used by the Iron
Worker and delivery trucks carrying materials covered under the craft jurisdiction of the
Iron Worker, when required, shall be performed by Structural Iron Workers. The Unions
shall use their best efforts to refer and recruit apprentice and probationary Structural Iron
Workers, pursuant to the probationary member program established by the International,
in sufficient numbers to perform flagging. With regard to public works projects, where
registered apprentices are required, the Unions shall use their best efforts to refer and
recruit such apprentice Structural Iron Workers in sufficient numbers to perform flagging.
13. Where the steel erection crane is used to position and/or remove container(s)
used for debris generated by the Iron Worker, the cleaning and removal of debris and
containers on the derrick floor (upper most floor where steel is landed) and the floors not
turned over to the construction manager and/or general contractor shall be performed by
the Structural Iron Worker.
14. The cleaning and removal of snow and containers containing snow on the
derrick floor (upper most floor where steel is landed) and the floors not turned over to the
construction manager and/or general contractor shall be performed by the Structural Iron
15. The use of rope access systems and techniques used to gain access to and
from work positions associated with the craft jurisdiction of the Local Unions.
Section 3. TERRITORY
The territory covered by this Agreement shall be the territorial jurisdiction of Local
Union No. 40, New York, New York, having jurisdiction in Westchester, Bronx,
Manhattan and Richmond Counties as well as all of the islands within the East River, New
York Harbor and the lower Long Island Sound including but not limited to Rikers Island,
Hart Island and David’s Island, and the territorial jurisdiction of Local Union No. 361,
Queens, New York, having jurisdiction in Kings, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk Counties in
the State of New York as well as all islands in the surrounding waterways and any bridge,
tunnel or structure leading to or from said geographic areas.
1. Inasmuch as the Union has submitted proof and the Employer is satisfied
that the Union represents a majority of its employees in the bargaining unit described
herein, the Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent for its

employees in the performance of work covered by this contract for the purpose of
bargaining collectively as to wages, hours and other conditions of employment.
2. In order to protect and preserve for the employees covered by this
Agreement all work historically and traditionally performed by them, and in order to
prevent any device or subterfuge to avoid the protection or preservation of such work, it is
hereby agreed as follows: If and when the Employer shall perform any work on a job site
of the type covered by this Agreement as a single or joint Employer, a successor and/or
alter ego entity to a signatory to the Agreement (which shall be interpreted by the impartial
arbitrator pursuant to applicable NLRB and judicial principles) within the trade and
territorial jurisdiction of the Union, under its own name or under the name of another, as a
corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, or any other business entity including a joint
venture, wherein the Employer (including its officers, directors, owners, partners, or
stockholders) exercises either directly or indirectly (such as through family members)
controlling or majority ownership management or control over such other entity, terms and
conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to the arbitration, the wage and
fringe benefit provisions of this Agreement shall be applicable to all such work performed
on or after the effective date of this Agreement. The foregoing shall not be interpreted to
apply to separate employer situations.
1. All employees who are members of the International Association of Bridge,
Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers on the execution date of this
Agreement shall be required to remain members of the International Association in good
standing as a condition of employment during the term of this Agreement. All other
employees may be required at the option of the Union to become and remain members of
the Union in good standing as a condition of employment from and after the eighth day
following dates of their employment or the execution date of this Agreement, whichever is
2. The Employer shall have the right to discharge any employee for just cause.
1. The Employer shall, at least forty-eight (48) hours, or, in an emergency, not
later than sixteen (16) hours, before the commencement of any job or operation, register
such job with the Local in whose jurisdiction the work is to be performed and with the
Office of the Joint Funds of Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 (hereinafter “the Fund
Office”). The Fund Office shall maintain a register of each such job or operation and assign
consecutive numbers to the same for purposes of identification. The parties hereby grant
to the Trustees of the Joint Funds of Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 the power, in
their discretion, to levy an assessment of up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), payable to
the Joint Funds, against any Employer who fails to so register any job or operation.

2. The Employer shall notify said Local in writing at least forty-eight (48)
hours in advance of hiring any new employees, in order to give the Local an opportunity
to refer qualified applicants for such employment, provided, however, such notice may be
waived by the Union and such waiver shall not prevent subsequent enforcement.
Employees reporting to work on new jobs or new employees reporting to work on existing
jobs shall be paid from the time they report to work, provided the request for the employees
is made by 2:00 p.m. of the preceding day. If an employee fails to report to work, he shall
not be replaced by the Local unless the replacement has been specifically requested by the
Employer, except to satisfy the crew requirements specified in Sections 27, 28 and 29
3. Failure by the individual Employer to abide by the terms of paragraphs 1 or
2 of this Section shall permit the Union, without further notice, to forthwith withdraw its
employees from the jobs of the individual Employer or take such other action as it deems
necessary, any terms of this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, and the Union
shall have the right on ten (10) days’ written notice to the Employer to institute an exclusive
Hiring Hall arrangement through the Union, whereby all employees shall be selected and
referred for employment, without discrimination by reason of membership or nonmembership in the Union, and such selection and referral shall not be affected in any way
by rules, regulations, by-laws, constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation
of union membership, policies or requirements. Such Hiring Hall arrangement may
provide for the selection and referral provided that such arrangements shall not be discriminatory as described hereinabove.
Eight (8) hours shall constitute a regular day’s work, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
from Monday to Friday, inclusive, with a lunch period that shall be scheduled from 12
noon to 12:30 p.m. Such schedule shall be referred to herein as the “Regular Work Day.”
The Employer shall have the right to alter the Regular Work Day schedule to flex
start time schedules from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., 7:00 a.m. to 3:30
p.m., 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. (each a “Flex Start Time”), upon at least seven (7) day’s prior written notice to
the Union in whose territory the work is to be performed. Such schedules shall be referred
to herein as the “Flex Time Work Day.”
The Employer may revert to the Regular Work Day upon seven (7) days’ written
notice prior to the reversion. In the event the Employer elects to alter the Regular Work
Day to use a Flex Time Work Day as provided above, the one-half (1/2) hour lunch period
shall commence four (4) hours after the applicable Flex Start Time of such Flex Time Work
Employers and their subcontractors working on one scope of work on a particular
project shall start the Regular Work Day or the Flex Time Work Day, as the case may be,
at the same time. Employers and their subcontractors working on different scopes of work

and/or different geographies on large projects, (such as, by way of example only, airports),
may start the Flex Time Work Day at different Flex Start Times.
The Employer shall have the option of working a four day work week, Monday
through Thursday at ten (10) hours straight time. Employers must provide reasonable
notice to the Union of the four day work week but not less than two (2) weeks prior to the
start of the job and/or two weeks prior to the institution of the four day work week on an
existing job. On a job which is working a four day work week, Employers must provide
reasonable notice to the Union of the institution of a normal work week (Monday through
Friday at eight (8) hours straight time), said notice to be given not less than two (2) weeks
prior to the institution of the five day work week.
Section 8. SHIFT WORK
This provision shall apply to all types of work under this contract excluding vault
work and tower work.
Monday through Friday:
First Shift – First eight (8) hours shall be paid at straight time rates; all
work performed thereafter shall be paid at double the regular
straight time rate.
Second and Third Shifts – First eight (8) hours shall be paid at time-and-one-half the
regular straight time rate; all work performed thereafter shall
be paid at double the regular straight time rate.
When any shift (Monday-Friday) does not complete the full
eight (8) hours on such job on account of weather or other
unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the
employee or Employer, the employee on such shift work
shall be paid at the aforementioned rates for the hours
worked, i.e., for the first shift, at straight time rates and for
the second and third shift, at time-and-one-half the regular
straight time rate.
All shifts – First eight (8) hours shall be paid at time-and-one-half the
regular straight time rate; all work thereafter shall be paid at
double the regular straight time rate.
When any shift (Saturday) does not complete the full eight
(8) hours on such job on account of weather or other
unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the

employee or Employer, the employee on such shift work
shall be paid at time-and-one-half the regular straight time
rate for the hours worked.

All Shifts – All work shall be paid for at double the regular straight
time rate.

When any shift (Sunday) does not complete the full eight (8)
hours on such job on account of weather or other unforeseen
circumstances beyond the control of the employee or
Employer, the employee on such shift work shall be paid at
double the regular straight time rates for the hours worked.
An employee who completes one (1) shift and is required to work on another shift
starting within twenty-four (24) hours after the beginning of the first shift shall be paid at
double the rate as hereinabove fixed for shift work for all work performed after completing
the first shift.
Not more than one (1) shift shall be allowed on a job of less than five (5) days
duration except in case of an emergency and where such emergency is asserted, the Union
shall be notified as soon as possible.
On all work covered by this Agreement with the exception of all tower work and
vault work referred to in Section 2, subsection 5 and Section 28 of this Agreement (for
which all overtime worked shall be paid at the rate of double time), time and one-half shall
be paid for all work in excess of eight (8) hours which occurs at the end of the workday,
Monday through Friday, up until and including ten (10) hours (the 9
th and 10th hours) on
any regular work day including flexible work day, and double time shall be paid for all
work performed during the lunch break and all work in excess of ten (10) hours; time and
one-half shall be paid for all work on Saturdays up to eight (8) hours. For Monday through
Friday off-hour work only, with notice to the Union, time and one-half shall be paid for
the first eight hours of work and double time shall be paid for all work thereafter. Time
and one-half shall be paid for all work which occurs during off-hours (non-shift work) up
to eight (8) hours and double time shall be paid for all work thereafter which occurs on
Saturday. Double time shall be paid for all work which occurs before the normal work
hours established for the job whether such hours are the “regular hours” or set in
accordance with the “flexible start” or “shift” provisions of this Agreement. Double time
shall be paid for all work on Sundays and holidays. Off-hours work shall be defined as
work, other than shift work or flexible work hours, which is regularly scheduled to be
performed at times other than the normal work day and week as set forth in Section 7 of

this Agreement. No premium time work shall be performed without prior permission of
the Local in whose jurisdiction the work is being performed.
1. As long as a job consists of eight (8) hours per day, five (5) days or more of
work to be performed on regular work days and regular work hours including flexible work
hours as set forth in Section 7 of this Agreement, the job may work overtime during the
week and on Saturday at the premium rate of time and one-half.
2. The five (5) days minimum requirement consists of five (5) individual days
of work, performed during regular hours including flexible work hours as set forth in
Section 7 of this Agreement, whether or not these are continuous days of work.
3. A job that is to be worked on weekends only requires the payment of double
time for all hours worked.
4. In order for Saturday overtime to be worked at the rate of time and one-half,
proper notice must be given to the Union and all affected employees no later than quitting
time on the previous Thursday.
5. In order for weekday overtime to be worked at the rate of time and one-half,
proper notice must be given. Proper notification of overtime during the week consists of
calling the Union not later than quitting time on the day before the overtime is to be worked
and notifying affected employees, except when overtime is required to complete an
operation on the day the overtime is to be worked and the need for overtime to complete
the operation was not known by quitting time the previous day.
6. When an employee is recalled to work within twenty-four (24) hours of his
previous starting time, all hours worked prior to the next starting time shall be paid at the
rate of double time. All work thereafter shall be paid in accordance with the normal
conditions applicable for such work.
The following holidays shall be observed:

New Year’s Day Labor Day
*New Year’s Eve – Half Day Thanksgiving Day
Presidents Day Christmas Day
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
*Christmas Eve – Half Day

* New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve: If any employee works a full half-day on
the working day immediately preceding New Year’s Day, he shall receive a full day’s pay.
The same shall apply if any employee works a full half-day on the working day
immediately preceding Christmas Day.
No work shall be performed on Labor Day except to save life or property.

All such holidays shall be observed on the dates designated by New York State
Law. In the absence of such designation, they shall be observed on the normal calendar
date except that holidays which occur on Sunday shall be observed on the following
A. Foreman
Per hour Per 8 hr. day Per week
7/01/20 $55.70 $445.60 $2228.00
B. Journeyman

Per hour
Per 8 hr. day
Per week

C. Probationary Apprentice (no prior experience in construction work for at least 6 months)

Per hour
Per 8 hr. day
Per week

D. Apprentice (for the 12-month period after completion of Probation).

Per hour
Per 8 hr. day
Per week

E. Apprentice (for remainder of Apprenticeship Training, at least 18 months).

Per hour
Per 8 hr. day
Per week

Total Apprenticeship period at least three (3) years.
2. The total package increase for the six (6) years is $21.00 per hour: $3.50 per year
for each year of the contract. The package will be divided as follows:

July 1, 2020
January 1, 2021
July 1, 2021
January 1, 2022
July 1, 2022
January 1, 2023
July 1, 2023
$1.75 per hour*
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour
$1.75per hour


January 1, 2024
July 1, 2024
January 1, 2025
July 1, 2025
January 1, 2026
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour
$1.75 per hour

* The economic package increase set forth as effective July 1, 2020 includes the
$1.75 per hour package increase set forth above.
3. There shall be no quarter hour pay. All such pay shall be rounded up to the next
highest half hour.
4. The Union shall have the option to allocate any portion of the wage and/or fund
contribution increases set forth above at any time during the term of this Agreement, upon
thirty days written notice to the Association.
5. Should by virtue of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation, any or all
contributions to any fringe benefit fund be disallowed as an Employer tax deduction, said
amount or amounts in excess of the allowable deduction shall be reallocated to either wages
or another fringe benefit fund.
When an employee is ordered by the Employer or his representative to report for
work and then through no fault of the employee is not put to work or is employed for less
than two (2) hours, the Employer shall pay the employee for two (2) hours’ time, conditions
permitting work, provided the employee remains on the job during the said two (2) hours.
On jobs of more than two (2) hours’ duration, all employees shall be paid for the actual
hours worked. However, employees will receive one (1) hour of “show-up” pay for days
they cannot work due to weather conditions. The employee must remain on the job site for
one (1) hour in order to be eligible for this pay. At the Employer’s discretion, it may require
employees to remain on the job site for two (2) hours on such days and, in such event,
employees remaining on the job site shall receive two (2) hours of “show-up” pay. When
employees are required to go from yard to job or from job to job during their working
hours, they shall be paid for the time consumed by them in so doing plus carfare paid by
All employees shall be at their work floor at the start of the shift provided that
adequate transportation is provided for access within four floors of the employees’ work
station but in no event more than 15 minutes before the start of the shift. This provision
does not apply to bridge work upon which, on a job-by-job basis, and subject to mutual
agreement between the Employer and the Union, employees may be required to be at their
work stations at 8:00 a.m. (or 7:00 a.m. or 7:30 a.m. if the job in question is being worked
under the flexible starting time provision of the Agreement). The compensation for this
condition on bridge work will be agreed upon on a job-by-job basis.

When an employee is ordered by the Employer or his representative to report for
work on Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, but then, through no fault of the employee, is not
put to work or is employed less than two (2) hours, the Employer shall pay the employee
for two (2) hours’ time at premium rates provided the employee remains on the job during
the said two (2) hours.
When a Foreman or Assistant Foreman is ordered by the Employer or his
representative to report for work on a Saturday or Sunday and then, through no fault of the
employee, is not put to work, the employee shall receive eight (8) hours pay at the regular
straight time rate. When a Foreman or Assistant Foreman is ordered to report for work on
a holiday but then, through no fault of the employee, is not put to work, the employee shall
receive at least two (2) hours’ pay at premium rates plus the eight (8) hours’ pay at straight
time to which he is otherwise entitled. If such employee is put to work on a holiday and
works in excess of four (4) hours, he shall receive a total of sixteen (16) hours’ pay at
straight time rates.
On jobs working a four day work week, Monday through Thursday at ten (10) hours
straight time, Friday may be used as a straight time make up day for days lost due to
inclement weather provided however, where the individual exceeds forty (40) hours,
overtime rates will apply.
Employers are prohibited from calling off work the day before such work is scheduled by
any means including telephone, texts, or other communication due to forecasted inclement
weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
a. Electronic Timekeeping on iPad, iPhone or other device, consistent with
existing practice of time entries by foreperson, shall be acceptable only where
the shop steward has access to the format and can verify accuracy of foreperson
b. No facial recognition, cameras for timekeeping, GPS, hardhat trackers,
microchips, RFID tags, or similar devices shall be used for timekeeping
purposes. No cell phone applications are to be required on personal cell phones
for any purpose, unless mandated by law, rule or agency regulation.
c. Where such technology is being used by the owner or construction manager, no
Iron Worker shall be required to use such devices for timekeeping purposes.
For all jobs located in Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester Counties, the ratio of
Registered Apprentices to workers is as follows: (a) One Apprentice may be hired when
employing four (4), up to and including six (6) Journeymen; (b) A second Apprentice may

be hired when employing eight (8), up to and including fourteen (14) Iron Workers
including Foremen; and (c) A third Apprentice may be hired when employing fifteen (15),
up to and including twenty-one (21) Iron Workers including Foremen.
On any other job or operation covered by this Agreement, one (1) out of every ten
(10) workers employed, including Foremen, shall be a Registered Apprentice, provided,
however, that one (1) out of every seven (7) workmen employed, including Foremen, may
be an Apprentice. There shall be no limitation upon the type of work to which Apprentices
may be assigned, provided, however, that no Apprentice shall be permanently assigned to
any one task, but shall be reasonably rotated from task to task to provide such Apprentice
with maximum exposure to the tasks of the trade. All Apprentices employed in accordance
with the foregoing, i.e., being reasonably rotated from task to task, shall be paid no more
than the applicable Apprentice rate of pay as set forth in Section 10, Paragraphs D, E & F.
If an employee is ordered by his Employer to go from one job to another on the
same day and the employee uses his own car, he shall be paid the then applicable IRS
mileage rate.
Section 13. PIECEWORK
It is agreed that piecework of any description is prohibited. It is agreed that the
employees will not contract, subcontract, work piecework or work for less than the scale
of wages established by the Agreement. The Employer agrees not to offer and/or to pay
and the employees will not accept a bonus based on specific performance on any individual
There shall be no limitation placed on the amount of work to be performed by any
workman during working hours.
Multiple lifts, known as “Christmas treeing,” in full compliance with OSHA
Subpart R standards, shall be permitted in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, as well
as the counties of Nassau and Suffolk upon notice to the Union.
a. The payroll week shall end on Friday, quitting time, and wages and proof
of purchase of fringes shall be paid by 9:00 a.m., Thursday and, if wages and said proof of
purchase are not paid by Thursday, 9:00 a.m., on days the employees are unable to work,

the employees shall be paid waiting time at the single, straight time rate from 8:00 a.m.,
Thursday until paid.
b. Wages are to be paid in cash or by check, provided, however, that prior to
commencement of payment by check, the Employer must file with the Financial SecretaryTreasurer of each Local and with the Fund Office a bond guaranteeing payment to the
employees in the penal sum of $10,000.00 if his annual payroll for the year ending January
31st was $l00,000.00 or over, or a bond in the penal sum of $5,000.00 if his annual payroll
for the year ending January 31st was less than $l00,000.00. The annual payroll shall be
determined from the records of the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 Pension Fund
based on wages earned by members of Locals 40 and 361. The bond shall be in a form
acceptable to the Union and shall provide that notice of cancellation thereof shall be given
to the Union and the Fund Office. Evidence of the renewal of any such bond shall be
similarly filed in accordance with this Section.
In the event that an Employer issues a check or checks for wages which are
not honored for payment for any reason, such Employer shall be required thereafter to pay
wages only in cash.
Alternatively, the Employer may institute a direct deposit payroll system,
provided that each individual Iron Worker may opt out of direct deposit at any time and for
any reason. In the event direct deposit is used, the Employer must provide wage statements
as required by New York State Labor Law § 195(3) and applicable regulations at 12
NYCRR § 142-2.7.
c. When employees are laid off, or discharged, they shall be paid on the job
immediately in full as hereinabove provided. If required to go to some other place or to
the office of the Employer for their pay, they shall be paid for the time consumed in so
doing by the shortest possible route and by a regular public conveyance, plus the carfare
paid by them. When employees quit of their own accord, they shall wait until the regular
pay day for the wages and receipts due them and they shall receive such wages and receipts
at the office of the Employer or at such other place as may be mutually agreed upon
between the employee and the Employer.
d. Any undue delay or loss of time caused the employees through no fault of
their own shall be paid for by the Employer causing such delay, at the regular straight time
e. Accompanying each payment of wages shall be a separate statement
identifying the employee, showing the total earnings, the amount of each deduction, the
purpose thereof, and net earnings.
f. 1) The Employer shall deduct from the wages of each employee working
within the jurisdiction of the Unions and who has executed an assignment,
such sum as shall be certified in writing by the Financial SecretaryTreasurer of the respective Union to be the then current working assessment

as duly adopted by the respective Unions, for each hour paid, which sum is
the working assessment due to the Unions and shall remit the same to the
Union within whose jurisdiction the work is being performed. The Union
Assessment will be included in the receipt. The Employers shall provide
weekly to the Union, a written report containing adequate information to
identify the employee, the number of hours paid and the location of the job
2) It is agreed that the appropriate written employee assignments
authorizing the aforementioned deduction shall be in blanket form and filed
in the Fund Office of the Locals 40, 361 and 417 Health, Pension, Annuity,
Topping Out, Apprenticeship and Training, Industry Promotion, IMPACT
and Vacation Funds.
3) The Fund Manager shall certify to the Employer by letter to the Employer
the names of all those for whom he has an assignment. The Unions shall
hold the Employers harmless for any claims arising out of their deduction
of work assessments from the wages of employees working within the jurisdiction of the Unions made pursuant to and in accordance with this Section.
Section 16. HEALTH PLAN
a. For each straight time hour paid to each employee performing work covered
by this Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein, the Employer shall make
contributions pursuant to the updated rate sheets issued by the Fund Office every six
months, commencing with $13.82 per hour to the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417
Health Fund for the period July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (Period 94).
For each premium hour paid to each employee performing work covered by
the Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein, the contribution shall be at premium
rates. Premium time is defined in Section 9.
b. The contributions of the Employers shall be used exclusively to pay or
provide for the payment of group life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment
insurance, hospital expense insurance, surgical expense insurance, medical expense
insurance, and temporary disability benefits to eligible employees and their eligible
dependents and any other lawful benefits which the Trustees may in their discretion
provide, in such form and amount as the Trustees of the said Health Fund may determine.
The Trustees shall, out of the funds in their possession, also pay or provide for the payment
of premiums on policy or policies of group insurance for sickness benefits which shall
provide disability insurance benefits required to be made and paid under Chapter 600 of
the Laws of the State of New York approved and effective April 13, 1949, as amended,
and the organization and administration of the Health Fund.

c. It is further agreed that this Agreement and the specific provision for
sickness benefits hereunder, and such other benefits hereinabove mentioned as the Trustees
may determine, shall be in lieu of any obligation imposed upon Employers or employees
for insurance and contribution required or provided for in such aforementioned law.
d. The said Health Fund shall continue to be administered pursuant to the
Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated September 1, 1948, as amended and/or restated
from time to time, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part hereof.
e. The required Employer contributions shall be paid in receipts purchased
from the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 Health Fund. The said receipts shall be
given to the employees in accompaniment with their weekly pay and also at such other
times when employees are entitled to receive pay as required by the provisions of this
Section 17. PENSION PLAN
a. For each straight time hour paid to each employee performing work covered
by this Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein, the Employer shall make
contributions pursuant to the updated rate sheets issued by the Fund Office every six
months, commencing with $14.11 per hour to the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417
Pension Fund for the period July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (Period 94).
For each premium hour paid to each employee performing work covered by this
Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein, the contribution shall be at premium
rates. Premium time is defined in Section 9.
b. The contributions of the Employers shall be used exclusively to provide
pension benefits through a qualified plan to eligible employees in such form and amount
as the Trustees of the Pension Fund may determine, and the organization and
administration expenses of the Pension Fund.
c. The said Pension Fund shall continue to be administered pursuant to the
Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated April 5, 1954, as amended and/or restated from
time to time, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part hereof.
d. The required Employer contributions shall be paid in receipts purchased
from the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 Pension Fund. The said receipts shall be
given to the employees in accompaniment with their weekly pay and also at such other
times when employees are entitled to receive pay as required by the provisions of this

a. For each straight time hour paid to each employee performing work covered
by this Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein, the Employer shall make
contributions pursuant to the updated rate sheets issued by the Fund Office every six
months, commencing with $21.01 per hour to the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417
Vacation Fund for the period July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (Period 94),
(excluding Apprentices and probationary Iron Workers for whom the contribution shall be
$11.29 per hour for this same period)
For each premium hour paid to each employee performing work covered by the
Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein, the contribution shall be at premium
rates. Premium time is defined in Section 9.
b. The contributions of the Employer shall be used exclusively to provide
vacation benefits to eligible employees in such form and amount as the Trustees of the
Vacation Fund may determine, and the organization and administration expenses of the
Vacation Fund.
c. The said Vacation Fund shall continue to be administered pursuant to the
Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated August 18, 1960, as amended and/or restated
from time to time, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part hereof.
d. The required Employer contributions shall be paid in receipts purchased
from the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 Vacation Fund. The said receipts shall be
given to the employees in accompaniment with their weekly pay and also at such other
times when employees are entitled to receive pay as required by the provisions of this
a. For each hour paid to each employee performing work covered by this
Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein the Employer shall make contributions
pursuant to the updated rate sheets issued by the Fund Office every six months,
commencing with $.58 per hour to the Iron Workers Locals 40 and 361 Apprenticeship and
Training Fund for the period July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (Period 94).
For work performed for the duration of this Agreement, the contributions shall be
at premium rates for each premium hour paid to each employee performing work covered
by this Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein. Premium time is defined in
Section 9.
The contributions of the Employers shall be used to provide for the training of
apprentices and the upgrading or improvement of skills in the industry as shall be deemed
necessary by the Trustees, and the organization and administration expenses of this Fund.

b. The said Apprenticeship and Training Fund shall continue to be
administered pursuant to the Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated January 26, 1967,
as amended and/or restated from time to time, which is hereby incorporated by reference
and made part hereof.
c. The required Employer contributions shall be paid in receipts purchased
from the Iron Workers Locals 40 and 361 Apprenticeship and Training Fund. The said
receipts shall be given to the employees in accompaniment with their weekly pay and also
at such other times when employees are entitled to receive pay as required by the provisions
of this Agreement.
Section 20. ANNUITY FUND
a. For each hour paid to each employee performing work covered by this
Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein), the Employer shall make contributions
pursuant to the updated rate sheets issued by the Fund Office every six months,
commencing with $15.55 per hour to the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 Annuity
Fund for the period July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (Period 94) (excluding
Apprentices and probationary Iron Workers for whom contributions shall be $7.38 per
The contributions shall be at premium rates for each premium hour paid to each
employee performing work covered by this Agreement within the meaning of Section 2
herein. Premium time is defined in Section 9.
b. The contributions of the Employers shall be used to provide annuity
(supplementary retirement) benefits, permanent disability benefits and any other lawful
benefits which the Trustees may in their discretion provide, in such manner and amount as
the Trustees may determine, and for the organization and administration expenses of the
Fund. The contributions shall be made on behalf of individual employees and credited to
the individual employee’s account in the Fund. The cents per hour contribution to this Fund
shall not be considered as part of payroll for the purpose of calculating payments to any
other Fund under this Agreement.
c. The said Annuity Fund shall continue to be administered pursuant to the
Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated November 13, 1969, as amended and/or restated
from time to time, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part hereof.
d. The required Employer contributions shall be paid in receipts purchased
from the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 Annuity Fund. The said receipts shall be
given to the employees in accompaniment with their weekly pay and also at such other
times when employees are entitled to receive pay as required by the provisions of this

a. For each hour paid to each employee performing work covered by this
Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein, the Employer shall make contributions
pursuant to the updated rate sheets issued every six months, commencing with $15.75 per
hour to the Iron Workers Locals 40 and 361 Topping Out Fund (excluding Apprentices and
probationary Iron Workers for whom contributions shall be $8.44 per hour).
The contributions shall be at premium rates for each premium hour paid to each
employee performing work covered by this Agreement within the meaning of Section 2
herein. Premium time is defined in Section 9.
b. The contributions of the Employers shall be used to provide benefits
pursuant to an additional benefits plan to eligible employees in such form and amount as
the Trustees of the Topping Out Fund may determine, and for the organization and
administration expenses of the Fund. The contributions shall be made on behalf of
individual employees and credited to the employee’s account in the Fund. The cents per
hour contribution to this Fund shall not be considered as part of payroll for the purposes of
calculating payments to any other Fund under this Agreement.
c. The said Topping Out Fund shall continue to be administered pursuant to
the Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated October 12, 1982, as amended and/or
restated from time to time, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part hereof.
d. The required Employer contributions shall be paid in receipts purchased
from the Iron Workers Locals 40 and 361 Topping Out Fund. The said receipts shall be
given to the employees in accompaniment with their weekly pay and also at such other
times when employees are entitled to receive pay as required by the provisions of this
a. The Employer shall contribute $.30 per hour, for each hour paid to each
employee performing work covered by this Agreement within the meaning of Section 2
herein to The Steel Institute of New York or its successor in interest. The contributions
shall be at premium rates for each premium hour paid to each employee performing work
covered by the Agreement within the meaning of Section 2 herein. Premium time is
defined in Section 9.
b. The said Steel Institute of New York shall continue to be administered
pursuant to the Amended Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated June 12, 1972, which,
as amended and/or restated from time to time, is hereby incorporated by reference and
made part hereof.

c. The contributions shall be used to advance the interests of the iron and steel
industry in the Greater New York area and of those who are engaged in it through such
programs and activities, and in such manner and amount, as the Trustees in their discretion
may determine are likely to foster greater use of the industry’s products and services,
expanded opportunities for employment, higher efficiency, the elimination of substandard
working and safety conditions and related purposes as more fully specified in the Amended
Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated June 12, 1972, and for the organization and
administration expenses of the Fund.
d. The required Employer contributions shall be paid in receipts purchased
from the Iron Workers Locals 40, 361 and 417 Union Security Funds Office. The said
receipts shall be given to the employees in accompaniment with their weekly pay and also
at such other times when employees are entitled to receive pay as required by the provisions
of this Agreement.
e. At the option of the Association, the contribution to The Steel Institute of
New York shall be increased during the course of this Agreement a maximum of $.10 per
hour bringing the total contribution to $.40 per hour.
Section 23. IMPACT
a. The Employer shall contribute five eighths of one percent (5/8ths of 1%) of
the applicable hourly journeyman wage rate for each hour worked to Ironworkers
Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust (IMPACT) a jointly trusted
Cooperative Trust with federal tax-exempt status under Section 501(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code as an exempt organization under 501 (c)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Tax exempt status determination was rendered under the initial name of the Trust which
was the Employers Responsive Educational Cooperative Trust of North America. The
general purposes of the Trust include the improvement and development of the union
ironworking industry through Education, Training, Communication, Cooperation and
governmental lobbying and legislative initiatives.
b. The reporting, payment, frequency of payment and administration of such
contributions shall be governed by the terms of the IMPACT Trust agreement, policies and
c. The contributions to IMPACT shall be deducted from the wage package and
not be added as an additional cost.
d. Pursuant to the 43 International Convention of the International Association
of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, three eighths of one
percent (3/8ths of 1%) of the applicable journeyperson wage rate for each hour worked
shall be contributed to the International Ironworkers Organizing Fund.

e. The contributions to the International Ironworkers Organizing Fund shall
be deducted from the wage package and not be added as an additional cost.
a. The Employer shall make available to the auditors of the Pension, Health,
Vacation, Apprenticeship, Annuity, Topping Out and Industry Promotion Funds provided
for in this Agreement, within ten (10) days after written notice from the Trustees, any and
all records which, in the discretion of the Trustees of said Funds or any one Fund, may be
required including any and all records of any of the Employer’s affiliated companies within
the meaning of Section 4(2) herein to determine whether the Employer has made the
contributions it is obligated to make pursuant to this Agreement.
b. The Employer shall furnish the Trustees of the Pension Fund, the Trustees
of the Health Fund, the Trustees of the Vacation Fund, the Trustees of the Apprenticeship
Fund, the Trustees of the Annuity Fund, the Trustees of the Topping Out Fund and the
Trustees of the Industry Promotion Fund with reports for each calendar month not later
than the 15th day of the month following, providing the names, job classifications, social
security numbers, wages earned and hours worked for all employees covered under this
Agreement, together with such other information as may be required by the Trustees for
the proper and efficient administration of each of the said Funds.
c. Notwithstanding the provisions for the methods of payment of contributions
to the various Trust Funds set forth in prior Sections of this Agreement, the Trustees of
each of the Funds may in their discretion revise the agreed upon methods of payment of
contributions and the Employer shall, upon adequate notice, thenceforth make
contributions to the Funds in accordance with the newly-prescribed methods of payment.
d. Failure to pay contributions or to provide reports or records in accordance
with this Section to any of the aforesaid Funds as required, shall constitute a breach of this
Agreement by the defaulting Employer, and the Union, without further notice, reserves the
right to forthwith withdraw its men from jobs of the Employer, or take such other action as
it deems necessary, any terms of this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, and the
defaulting Employer must pay to each employee at the straight time rate for the number of
regular working hours of employment which the employees who are withdrawn from the
Employer lose as a result of such withdrawal.
e. The Union will not furnish any employees to any Employer until and unless
a signed copy of a collective bargaining agreement between the Union and the Employer
is filed with the Fund Office.
f. Each Employer is required to file with the Unions and Fund Office a surety
bond in the following amounts:


Number of Members in the
Bargaining Unit
Amount of Bond
1-9 $30,000
10-24 $75,000
25 & more $150,000

The determination of the number of members in an individual Employer’s
bargaining unit shall be based on the average number of such employees employed during
the fifty-two (52) week period immediately preceding the purchase or renewal of the surety
The purpose of the bond is to guarantee the payment of all contributions to
the Pension, Health, Annuity, Vacation, Apprenticeship Training, Topping Out, Industry
Promotion Funds and IMPACT. Such bond shall provide that the Unions and the Fund
Office be given notice of cancellation of same. Renewal of such bonds shall be similarly
filed in accordance with this sub-section.
Any Employer who is party to a collective bargaining agreement as of June
30, 2008 shall be given thirty (30) days from the date of a “Notice to Comply” with the
aforementioned bond requirements to comply therewith. All other Employers shall be
given fourteen (14) days from the date of a “Notice to Comply” with the aforementioned
bond requirements to comply therewith.
In the event an Employer is delinquent in its contributions to the aforementioned
benefit Funds for more than one (1) week, written notice of such delinquency must be given
by the Union and Fund Office to the surety company underwriting the bond. The Union
will not furnish any employees, nor shall the Fund office sell any receipts, to any Employer
who has not complied with the provisions of this sub-section.
g. In the event of any nonpayment or underpayment of any fringe benefit Fund
contribution as provided in this Agreement, then there shall be added to such indebtedness
interest at the rate of ten (10%) percent per annum and liquidated damages of twenty
percent (20%) of the amount of the indebtedness.
In the event a dispute arises in connection with the meaning, interpretation,
application of the fringe benefit provisions or the alleged violation of the Employer’s
obligation to make required fringe benefit contributions to any of the Funds as required by
Sections 16 through 23 or in connection with any of the provisions of this Section 24 or in
connection with any rule or procedure of the Trustees of any of the Funds affecting
collection of contributions to the Funds or distribution of receipts to employees, such
dispute shall be submitted for final and binding determination to the Hon. J.J. Pierson, as
the Impartial Arbitrator. If for any reason J. J. Pierson is incapacitated or for any other
reason is unable to act expeditiously, he shall designate a substitute Arbitrator. The
Arbitrator shall have all the powers granted to arbitrators pursuant to the Civil Practice
Law and Rules of the State of New York and shall be authorized to compel the production

of books and records involved in a dispute. The decision rendered by the Impartial
Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Employer, the Union, and the Funds. The
expense of the arbitration procedure shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Funds
except that, if collection is made pursuant to an arbitration award, such decision shall
contain a directive that the Employer pay the actual cost of an audit, if any, used to establish
the indebtedness, plus the arbitration fee and costs and expenses as determined by the
Arbitrator, plus reasonable attorneys’ fees in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of
the indebtedness in delinquency cases, which amount the parties agree is a reasonable
collection charge, and reasonable attorneys’ fees determined by the Arbitrator in failure
and/or refusal to submit to an audit cases, and, in addition thereto, interest at the rate per
of ten (10%) percent per annum and liquidated damages of twenty percent (20%) of the
payments due to said Funds, which amounts shall be paid to the Trustees of said Funds. It
is recognized and agreed that the Funds have had and continue to have an independent right
to submit such disputes to the Impartial Arbitrator.
h. The Trustees of any or all of the said Funds may refer the collection of the
required payments and the refusal to submit to audit cases to an attorney and, in that event,
the Employer agrees to pay, in addition to the monies owing, all collection expenses including court costs, if any, together with interest and liquidated damages as per subsection g,
and attorneys’ fees of twenty-five percent (25%) of the delinquency which the parties agree
is a reasonable collection charge, and reasonable attorneys’ fees in audit cases to be set by
the Arbitrator.
i. The Joint Board of Trustees shall employ as many investigators as it deems
necessary to insure that all the Employers who contribute to the Funds are doing so in the
proper amount, that all the jobs or operations which fall within the jurisdiction of the
Unions are being performed by Employers who have signed full collective bargaining
agreements with the Unions which agreements are on file in the Fund Office; that
Employers are purchasing receipts in the proper amount, that all jobs or operations are
registered with the Fund Office, and that the employees are receiving receipts with their
weekly pay in the proper amount. The investigators shall have the authority to check Job
Stewards’ reports with the employees on the job as well as with the Employers and their
j. Resort to a remedy under this Agreement or under the Agreements and
Declarations of Trust for the collection of contributions due the Funds or any one Fund,
shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to resort to any other remedy provided therein or
by law. Resort to one remedy at one time shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to resort
to others at a future or subsequent time. Service of the Notice of Intention to Arbitrate,
Demand for Arbitration, and Arbitration Award, may be made by registered mail, certified
mail, or overnight delivery service to the employer’s last known address. In any proceeding to confirm an award of the Impartial Arbitrator, service may be made by Registered
Mail, Certified Mail or by overnight delivery service (not including via e-mail or other
electronic delivery) within or without the State of New York, as the case may be.

k. In the event an Employer becomes delinquent to the Funds and a principal,
officer, majority stockholder or person who maintains de facto control over said entity
becomes a principal, officer, majority stockholder or person who maintains de facto
control over any other entity which performs work as set forth in Section 2 of this collective
bargaining agreement, the entity with which said person becomes affiliated as set forth
above, shall be subject to all the rights and remedies set forth herein, including, but not
limited to, collection of the former Employer’s debt, as well as the remedies set forth in
Section 24 (d) above.
Section 25. FOREMAN
On all jobs, there shall be a Foreman who shall receive a Foreman’s wages, and the
Foreman is the only representative of the Employer who shall issue instructions to the
employees. There shall be no restriction as to the employment of Foremen. The Employer
may employ on one piece of work as many Foremen as in his judgment are necessary for
the safe, expeditious and economical handling of the same.
All Foremen shall be classified as straight time employees who are hired by the
week except at the start and finish of the job, and in such cases, they shall be paid for the
actual days worked.
On completed jobs where one (1) employee returns to do corrective work or where
one (1) welder is left to complete his operation, he shall be the Foreman and, in that event,
the rate of pay for Foreman shall be paid.


All guy and stiff leg derricks when used in erecting structural steel work shall be
manned by six (6) Iron Workers and a pusher (Assistant Foreman) unless the derrick is
turned by a mechanical device, in which case such derrick may be manned by five (5) Iron
Workers. On the erection of steel where a crane is used, a minimum of five (5) Iron
Workers and a Foreman shall be used, with one (1) Iron Worker designated as a signal
man, provided, however, in the erection and demolition of any type of building of 100 feet
or under above grade, a minimum of three Journeymen, one Registered Apprentice that is
available from the Union, and one Foreman, may be used.
Notwithstanding the above, for the erection of pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete, a
crew consisting of four (4) Journeymen and a Foreman may be used.
On hand derricks, a Foreman and a minimum of four (4) Iron Workers shall be
used. On all other work where no derrick is used, a sufficient number of Iron Workers
shall be employed. It is agreed that the Employer, together with the Union, shall decide
the number of Iron Workers necessary to man a job properly.

On all cranes, signal men shall be used at the discretion of the Foreman when
working in the blind.
Section 27. VAULT WORK
On all vault work performed within the jurisdiction of the Unions as set forth in
Section 2, paragraphs 5a and 5b of this Agreement, the following minimum number of
workers shall be employed for the jobs indicated below:
1. At least six (6) Iron Workers and one (1) Foreman:
On all jobs involving the use of a gallows frame in the installation or removal of
liners or vault doors.
2. At least five (5) Iron Workers and one (1) Foreman:
On jobs involving the installation or removal of a one-inch (1″) liner at sidewalk
3. At least four (4) Iron Workers and one (1) Foreman:
On jobs involving the installation or removal of a one-half inch (1/2″) liner at
sidewalk level; on module bank buildings (mini-banks); on jobs involving the
installation or removal of safe deposit boxes above or below sidewalk level; on jobs
involving the installation or removal of portavaults above or below sidewalk level.
4. At least three (3) Iron Workers and one (1) Foreman:
On jobs involving the installation or removal of vault doors; on jobs involving the
installation or removal of oversized or stacked safe deposit boxes; on jobs involving
the installation or removal of night depositories above or below sidewalk level; on
jobs involving the installation or removal of portavaults at sidewalk level; or on
jobs involving the installation or removal of chests or safes above or below
sidewalk level, or chests or safes in excess of one (1) ton at any level.
5. At least two (2) Iron Workers and one (1) Foreman:
On jobs involving the installation or removal of fire doors; on jobs involving the
installation or removal of standard size (200 series, 32-1/2″ x 24″) safe deposit
boxes; on jobs involving the installation or removal of power files and on jobs involving the installation of chests or safes which weigh below one (1) ton.
6. At least one (1) Iron Worker and one (1) Foreman:

On jobs involving the installation or removal of automatic tellers, including all link
ups between outside customer units and inside teller units; and the unloading,
assembly and installation of undercounter steel.
Riveting gangs shall be composed of not less than four (4) Iron Workers at all times.
The Employer may require Heaters to have their fires going ready to furnish hot rivets at
the regular starting time including flexible start time, but in such event, the Heaters shall
be paid double time for such time worked before the regular starting time including flexible
start time.
When three (3) or more riveting gangs are employed on any job, an Assistant
Foreman shall be employed who shall not be required to work in any riveting gang except
where emergencies arise which will require the Assistant Foreman to temporarily fill the
a. Planking Floors. Working floors upon which derricks set must be covered
tight with suitable planking over entire floor except where openings are left for ladders.
No more than two (2) floors, or a maximum of thirty (30) feet, beneath each riveting
scaffold shall remain open or uncovered, and all such floors shall be planked within a
minimum radius of ten (10) feet. Metal decking may be used instead of plank provided the
decking is securely fastened.
b. Stiffening and Supporting Working Load Points. When iron is landed on
the floor or any point of a structure under construction, all connections shall be fully fitted
up and tightened and substantial supports provided to safely sustain such added weight.
c. Riding the Load or Load Falls. No employee shall be permitted to ride the
load or load fall except in case of inspection, and erection and dismantling of derricks.
d. Slings. Wire rope cable will be used instead of chains, hemp or nylon slings.
e. Netting of bridges. All bridges over fifty (50) feet above water will be
netted adequately to protect employees.
f. Burning and Welding. On jobs involving burning on all surfaces containing
toxic substances or contaminants the Employer shall supply Mine Safety Appliance
constant flow air respirators or the equivalent thereof; on jobs in bank vaults where any
burning or welding is required, exhaust fans shall be provided by the Employer.

g. The Employer expressly agrees to comply with the rules relating to the
Protection of Persons Employed in the Erection, Repair and Demolition of Buildings or
Structures in the Industrial Code of the State of New York and also to comply with the
rules relating to steel erection as set forth in Subpart R of the regulations promulgated by
the U.S. Department of Labor pursuant to the provisions of the Occupational Safety and
Health Act.
h. Protection of Signal Devices. Proper practical safe protection shall be used
for any and every means, method, appliance or equipment employed to transmit or give
signals, directing work or operations of any and various devices in connection with work
being done by employees.
i. Elevator Shaft Protection. No employee will be permitted to work in an
elevator shaft while car is in operation. The first floor beneath and the first floor above
men working shall be planked safe in all elevator shafts.
j. Sweet milk or buttermilk shall be made available by the Employer to all
men only when engaged in burning or welding on any material that is coated, painted or
k. Helicopters shall not be used for erection.
l. An emergency telephone shall be provided to a responsible Employer
representative within reasonable proximity to the work and the Employer will notify the
Unions of the phone number designated for this purpose.
m. With the exception of Foremen and Stewards, the use of cell phones shall
be prohibited during working hours.
n. In accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health
Act of 1970, it shall be the sole responsibility of the employer to insure the safety and
health of its employees. Nothing in the collective bargaining agreement will make the
Union liable to any employees or to any other persons in the event that injury or accident
When employees are sent outside of the territorial jurisdiction defined herein, at a
minimum, the rate of wages prevailing in New York City shall be paid as well as
transportation expenses; when traveling at night, the Employer shall also furnish meals and
berth. If the employee leaves the work before it is completed and without the consent of
the Employer, it shall be on his own time and at his own expense.
When employees covered by this collective bargaining agreement are employed on
projects where jurisdiction is shared with another local of the International Association of

Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers headquartered outside of
New York State, the employees covered by this collective bargaining agreement will be
paid pursuant to this collective bargaining agreement regardless of the geographic location
of their work station.
The Employer shall furnish suitable drinking water at all times, i.e. bottled water or
clean or sanitary drinking water that is compliant with Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
guidelines for the prevention of infectious diseases; and each job of sufficient size and
length to justify same shall be provided with a shed or room for the employees to change
their clothes and keep their tools.
The Employer will be held responsible for the loss of an employee’s clothing if such
loss occurs due to fire, theft or circumstances beyond the control of the employee while the
employee’s clothing is stored in the shed or room provided by the Employer, provided
however, that the Employer’s liability under this section to each employee shall be limited
to a maximum amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00). In no event, however, shall the
Employer be responsible for the loss of an employee’s money or personal valuables.
The Employer must at all times provide insurance coverage required under the NYS
Workers Compensation Law and shall furnish evidence of such coverage to the Union, and
shall provide the carrier name and policy number at the commencement of the job.
Employers shall be given a grace period of ten (10) business days from the date of notice
to provide such evidence of coverage to comply therewith. Failure to provide such
evidence within such grace period shall be considered a breach of this contract and the
Unions may withhold or remove employees from any job in question. Additionally, after
the passage of the aforementioned ten (10) business day period, on any job where
employees report to work and the Employer cannot produce evidence of coverage, and the
employees cannot proceed to work, the employees shall be paid two (2) hours “show-up”
The Business Representative of the Union shall be permitted to visit all jobs, but
will in no way interfere with the progress of the work.

Section 34. JOB STEWARD
There shall be a Steward on each job who shall be appointed by the Business
Representative. He shall keep a record of the employees laid off and discharged; and take
up all grievances on the job and try to have the same adjusted, and in the event he cannot
adjust them, he must promptly report that fact to the Business Representative, who shall
attempt to adjust any matter without a stoppage of work. The Steward shall see that the
provisions of this Agreement are complied with and report to the Union the true conditions
and facts. The Steward shall see that all injured members are properly cared for and report
all accidents promptly to the Union.
It shall be the duty of the Job Steward to file timely, complete and accurate
Steward’s Reports with the Unions and the Fund Office on forms provided by the Unions
for such purpose.
The Employer agrees that the Job Steward will not be discharged until after proper
notification has been given to the Union and further, when employees are laid off, the Job
Steward will be the last employee laid off, providing he is capable of performing the work
in question; it being understood and agreed that the Steward’s duties shall not include any
matters relating to referral, hiring or termination of employment.
The Union agrees that these functions of the Job Steward shall be carried on in such
manner as will not retard or interfere with the performance of work for the Employer by
the Job Steward or other employees on the job.
The removal of Journeyman iron workers and Apprentices from a job in order to
render legal assistance to other Local Unions to protect union principles shall not constitute
a violation of this Agreement, any provision to the contrary notwithstanding, providing
such removal is first approved by the Union’s General Executive Board and notice thereof
is first given to the Employer involved. The Unions agree that when they have advance
notice of demonstrations, rallies, or other activities for the protection of union principles
consistent with this section, they will provide advance notice, whenever possible, of same
to the Association through the office of its Executive Director.
The treatment of all employees and applicants for employment without unlawful
discrimination as to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status,
sexual orientation or citizen status in all employment decisions, including but not limited
to recruitment, hiring, compensation, training and apprenticeship, promotion, upgrading,
demotion, downgrading, transfer, lay-off and termination and all other terms and
conditions of employment.

The signatories hereto agree to abide by the Standards of Apprenticeship heretofore
formulated by them as contained in a written document and as the same has been or may
be amended from time to time.
The Employer agrees not to sell or assign, subcontract or sublet any work covered
by this Agreement to any person, firm or corporation which is not in contractual
relationship with the Union. Any Employer who violates this Section shall be liable to the
Joint Funds for the fringe benefit contributions due on work performed by his
(1)a. There shall be no strikes or lockouts upon the work of the Employer, nor
shall the members of the Union collectively or in concert leave the work of
the Employer, nor shall any sympathetic strike against any Employer be
entered into by the Union.
Any grievance, complaint, or dispute between the Union and the Employer
arising out of this Agreement or as to the meaning, interpretation,
application or alleged violation of any provision or provisions of this
Agreement, except as provided in subsection (2) of this Section, shall be
handled in the first instance by an officer of the Union designated by the
Union and a representative of the Employer involved who is a member of
the Association.
b. If the Representatives of the Union and the Employer fail to reach an
agreement within five (5) work days, the grievance, complaint, or dispute
shall be handled by a designee or designees of the Union and the
Association. The designee of the Association shall be a member of the
Association or a permanent employee of the Association.
The aggrieved party shall file a statement of the grievance, complaint, or
dispute with the Association or the Union, as the case may be.
The designees shall meet within two (2) work days after the receipt of
written notification.
c. If the designees of the Union and the Employer fail to reach agreement
within three (3) work days after they meet, as provided above, the grievance,
complaint, or dispute shall upon request of either party to this Agreement

be submitted for final and binding determination to an Arbitrator designated
by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its rules and
regulations. The Arbitrator shall be empowered to employ all powers
granted to arbitrators pursuant to the Civil Practice Law and Rules of the
State of New York and shall be authorized to compel the production of
books and records involved in a dispute.
d. If the party initiating the grievance, complaint or dispute fails to submit the
matter to the American Arbitration Association as set forth above, within
thirty (30) work days after the designees of the Union and the Association
are unable to reach agreement, the matter shall be dropped.
e. The expense of the arbitration procedure shall be borne equally by the
Employer and the Union.
f. The Arbitrator shall have the power to award appropriate remedies, the
award being final and binding upon the parties and the employee(s) or
Employer(s) involved. Nothing herein shall be construed to forbid either
party from resorting to Court relief from, or to enforce rights under, any
Award. In any proceeding to confirm an award of the Arbitrator, service
may be made by Registered or Certified Mail, within or without the State
of New York, as the case may be.
(2) The foregoing provisions for arbitration are not intended and shall not be
construed as in any way qualifying or making subject to change any provisions of the
Agreement including, but not limited to the handling of negotiations for a new Agreement,
change in wage scale or jurisdictional disputes.
Section 40. COFFEE BREAK
Each employee shall be entitled to one (1) coffee break of not more than five (5)
minutes in the morning and one (1) coffee break of not more than five (5) minutes in the
afternoon, to be taken at the employee’s position.
It is contrary to the spirit of this Agreement and contrary to the Constitution of the
International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers,
AFL-CIO, for active Union members to act as contractors or for Employers to work with
the tools or otherwise perform the work performed by members of the bargaining unit.

a. No Union member may act as an Employer under this Agreement unless he
first takes out a withdrawal card pursuant to the Constitution of the International
Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, AFL-CIO.
b. No members of any Local Union shall perform any bargaining unit work
for any contractor owned, managed or controlled directly or indirectly by the wife, father,
mother, brother, sister or relative of any member of a Local Union until such member or
members have obtained permission from the Executive Board of the Local Union to work
for such contractor.
Any member found to have violated the provisions of Sections 42 (a) and/or
42 (b) shall be subject to the following sanctions:
1. Suspension from membership in the Union.
2. Pay to the Trustees of the Pension, Health, Vacation, Apprentice,
Annuity and Topping Out Funds, in addition to the amounts required to
be contributed to the various fringe benefit Funds as set forth in Sections
16 through 23, an additional amount equal to said level of contributions
for each hour of employment worked in violation of said Sections 42 (a)
& (b). All monies so received shall be used to offset the administrative
expenses of the said Funds and shall not be credited to the individuals
c. The Unions shall not enter into any contract or furnish its members to work
for any contractor or company which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the
wife, father, mother, brother, sister or relative of any member of a Local Union unless such
contractor first applies and receives permission from the Executive Board of the Local
d. For the purposes of this Section, signatures by members of any Local Union
on payroll checks, any and all reports to City, State or Federal Agencies, business insurance
policies, bank accounts, and the like, shall constitute presumptive evidence of the ownership or control of the business by such member. Such documents shall be available to the
auditors and any investigators employed by the Joint Funds for the purpose of inspecting
the signatures thereon.
There shall be created a Labor Management Committee jointly trusteed and
administered by the Unions and the Association. The Labor Management Committee may
submit requests for grants to, among others, the Industry Promotion Fund during the term
of the contract.

If either of the Unions enter into any written agreement which permits the
employment of its members on any job under terms and conditions less favorable than are
provided herein, all Employers party to this Agreement shall be granted such less favorable
terms and conditions. The Unions will enforce this Agreement diligently and uniformly so
that no discrimination against any members of the Association will exist.
a. Upon receipt of appropriate information from the Employers, the Fund
Office shall keep a record of the names and social security numbers of those members of
the bargaining unit who have received the safety training required by OSHA’s HAZ COM
regulations. The aforementioned records shall also, where provided by the Employers, list
the Employer providing said safety training.
b. Upon receipt of appropriate information from the Employers, the Fund
Office shall keep a record of the name and social security number of those members of the
bargaining unit who have completed I-9 forms or other Employment Eligibility
Verification forms that may be required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The aforementioned records shall also, where provided by the Employers, list the Employers who obtained said I-9 form or other Employment Eligibility Verification form.
c. The Employer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Union from any
and all claims, actions or proceedings arising out of said record keeping requirements as
set forth in Sections 45 (a) and (b) above.
This Agreement contains all of the provisions agreed upon by the Employers and
the Union. Neither the Employers nor the Union will be bound by rules, regulations or
agreements not herein contained except interpretations or decisions of the Impartial
The Union expressly waives any right to paid sick leave for the employees covered
by this agreement as set forth in any legislation enacted by the City of New York and as
set forth in the New York State Sick Leave Act, enacted on April 3, 2020, and effective on
September 30, 2020.

Should any part of or any provision herein contained be rendered or declared invalid
by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation, or by any decree of a court
of competent jurisdiction, such invalidation of such part or portion of this Agreement shall
not invalidate the remaining portions thereof; provided, however, upon such invalidation,
the parties signatory hereto agree to immediately meet to renegotiate such parts or
provisions affected. The remaining parts or provisions shall remain in full force or effect.
The Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until midnight of June 30, 2026
and, unless written notice be given by either party to the other at least four (4) months prior
to such date (June 30, 2026) of a desire for change therein or to terminate the same, it shall
continue in effect for an additional year thereafter. In the same manner, this Agreement,
with any amendments thereto, shall remain in effect from year to year thereafter, subject
to termination at the expiration of any such contract year upon notice in writing given by
either party to the other at least four (4) months prior to the expiration of such contract
year. Any such notice as hereinabove provided for in this Section, whether specifying a
desire to terminate or to change at the end of the current contract year, shall have the effect
of terminating this Agreement at such time
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto as of
the date and year first above written, in the City of New York, State of New York.
FOR LOCAL UNION NO. 40 of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers:
By: ____________________________ By:__________________________
President Business Manager
FOR LOCAL UNION NO. 361 of the International Association of Bridge, Structural,
Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers:
By:____________________________ By:_________________________
President Business Manager

By:___________________________ By:_________________________
Executive Director President

A.C. Associates
124 Park Avenue
P.O. Box 506
Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071
(201) 939-6866
A.J. McNulty & Co., Inc.
53-20 44th Street
Maspeth, New York 11378
(718) 784-1655
Ahern Painting Contractors, Inc.
69-24 49th Avenue
P.O. Box 1070
Woodside, New York 11377
(718) 639-5880
American Bridge Company
One Bridge Plaza
Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024
(201) 592-1200
Berlin Steel Construction Co.
76 Depot Road
P.O. Box 428
Kensington, Connecticut 06037
(860) 828-2524
BUDCO Enterprises, Inc.
145 Plant Avenue
Hauppauge, New York 11788
(631) 434-6500
Con-Serv Inc.
685 Aviation Boulevard
Georgetown, South Carolina 29440
(843) 546-1044
Coordinated Metals Inc.
626 16th Street
Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072
(201) 460-7280

Cornell & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 807
Woodbury, New Jersey 08096
(856) 742-1900
Cortina Glass LLC
P.O. Box 4950
Clinton, New Jersey 08809
(908) 689-1729
David Shuldiner, Inc.
35 Irving Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11237
(718) 386-5200
Empire City Iron Works
10-37 46th Road
Long Island City, New York 11101
(718) 361-0100
Enclos Corp.
2770 Blue Water Road
Eagan, Minnesota 55121
(800) 831-1108
Gabriel Steel Erectors, Inc.
36 Maybrook Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
(845) 769-3000
H&L Contracting, LLC
140 Adams Avenue, Suite B14
Hauppauge, New York 11788
(631) 813-2266
J.C. Steel Corporation
1229 Lakeland Avenue
Bohemia, New York 11716
(631) 563-3545
J.C. Steel Erectors
1255 Lakeland Avenue
Bohemia, New York 11716
(631) 563-3545

Jonathan Metal & Glass
178-18 107th Avenue
Jamaica, New York 11433
(718) 846-8000
Kenvil United Corp.
303 US Highway 46
Mine Hill Township, New Jersey 07803
(973) 927-0010
Keystone Management Assoc., LLC
P.O. Box 274
Mountainville, New York 10953
(845) 500-1374
Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
470 Chestnut Ridge Road, 2nd Floor
Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677
(201) 571-2500
Kiewit-Weeks-Massman, AJV
137 Bayway Avenue
Elizabeth, New Jersey 07202
(908) 409-4285
K.M. Simmons Inc.
55 Plant Avenue
Hauppauge, New York 11786
(631) 778-6143
Maximum Security
3 Schoolhouse Lane
Waterford, New York 12188
(518) 233-1800
Ment Bros., I.W. Co., Inc.
11 Broadway, Suite 1311
New York, New York 10004
(212) 217-6500
Metralite Industries, Inc.
132-70 34th Avenue
Flushing, New York 11354
(718) 961-1770

Metropolitan Metals Corp.
210 West 29th Street, 7th Floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 563-7177
Metropolitan Walters, LLC
210 West 29th Street, 7th Floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 563-7177
Metro Steel Erectors, Inc.
289 Scholes Street
Brooklyn, New York 11206
(718) 417-0600
Metrotech Erectors Corp.
58-02 Maspeth Avenue
Maspeth, New York 11378
(718) 366-3024
Northeast Structural Steel, Inc.
916 Old Nepperhan Avenue
Yonkers, New York 10703
(914) 699-9900
NYC Constructors LLC
A Banker Steel Company
110 East 42nd Street, Room 1502
New York, New York 10017
(212) 444-1044
Ponderosa Fence Enterprises, Inc.
110 Stewart Avenue
Hicksville, New York 11801
(516) 433-9471
Post Road Iron Works
345 West Putnam Avenue
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
(203) 869-6322
Residential Fences Corp.
1775 Route 25
P.O. Box 430
Ridge, New York 11961
(631) 924-3011

RJL Consultants, Inc.
30 Puritan Lane
Farmingdale, New York 11735
(516) 293-6928
Skanska Koch, Inc.
400 Roosevelt Avenue
Carteret, New Jersey 07008
(732) 969-1700
Skanska Koch/Kiewit JV
400 Roosevelt Avenue
Carteret, New Jersey 07008
(732) 969-1700
SRI Consultants, LLC
14 Dege Farm Road
Califon, New Jersey 07830
(908) 303-4930
Stonebridge Steel Erection
165 Ryan Street
South Plainfield, New Jersey 07080
(908) 753-1100
The Walsh Group
150 Clove Road, 11th Floor
Little Falls, New Jersey 07424
(201) 691-6023
Tower Installation, LLC
123 Day Hill Road
P.O. Box 767
Windsor Connecticut 06095
(860) 298-2000
Tutor Perini Corporation
1000 Main Street
New Rochelle, New York 10801
(914) 739-1908
Tyrek Heights Erectors, Inc.
540 Nepperhan Avenue, Suite 568
Yonkers, New York 10701
(914) 207-8003

United Iron, Inc.
Six Roslyn Place
Mount Vernon, New York 10550
(914) 667-5700
United Structural Works, Inc.
45 Hemlock Drive
Congers, New York 10920
(845) 268-3600
Utopia Construction of NY Corp.
57-17 58th Street
Maspeth, New York 11378
(718) 894-0866
W&W Glass, LLC
300 Airport Executive Park, Suite 302
Nanuet, New York 10954
(845) 425-4000
W&W Steel Erectors, LLC
2201 Mt. Ephriam Avenue
Camden, New Jersey 08104
(405) 235-3621

